Horizontal directional drilling (HDD). Busy and crowded above and below ground? Then horizontal directional drilling affords the perfect solution. With this ‘house speciality', Visser & Smit Hanab can circumvent obstacles when laying cables and pipelines, using computer-guided technology.
Visser & Smit Hanab engages in horizontal directional drilling projects around the world. In fact, our company was one of the first to deploy this advancement, which does away with the need for costly excavations. HDD is performed with a computer-controlled boring head, connected to the borehole on the surface, which pulls the cable, pipe casing or pipe through the ground. Our machinery is equipped with the full range of rigs needed for any kind of HDD project.
River crossings, dune crossings, landfalls and outfalls, crossings of infrastructures: HDD is ideal for complicated projects that require technological mastery. Visser & Smit Hanab has its excellent reputation and proven track record thanks to a remarkable team of designers, geologists, engineers, equipment operators and materials engineers. With such experts and sophisticated techniques in-house, HDD becomes a much more technologically and financially attractive option.
For more information or answers to specific questions about Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD), visit our drilling website;
Feel free to contact Maurits van Balen Blanken by email; m.van.balen@vshanab.nl